Girl's dream about two things: Prom and their Wedding. Watching all these movies and TV shows, gives you these ideas about how prom should and would be. When I was little I'd imagined myself going to prom with a handsome guy and he would ask me in a very creative and cute way. I'd be in a beautiful Cinderella type-poofy dress with those beautiful long white gloves, beautiful curls, and possibly a tiara. And during the slow dance he would give me a kiss.

Haha, some girls actually get to live those chances with maybe the exception of the poofy dress. I'd never thought that prom would be so difficult to plan. Especially with the large group that I was going with - where to eat, why are you going with him, where to take pictures, ride arrangements. I was exhausted by the tim
e we went to eat. I think the most hilarious moment of pre-prom was finding a date. At first, I knew I had no one to go with and I thought going by myself with my friends would so much better. I was texting my ex one night. We were talking about prom and he wasn't going because he didn't have money to buy tickets and that he didn't have a date. I jokingly said that I would go with him. And guess what?! The next day he texted me and asked if my offer was still standing. -.- What was I to do? *sigh* He's quite an emotional guy. Like our break-up was a natural disaster. I would never EVER want to go through it again. But why am I friends with him? I'm
the type of person who'll forgive and forget (sort of). So, here I am with him at prom. And the idiot leaves me in the middle of it to go to a concert. Which to me was quite alright. I was more comfortable dancing around. :p

The dancing. Hah. Because I go to a school whose racial majority is African American. The music was mainly rap. Songs and dances I've never heard or seen. *This is not an insult in anyway* I just wished that there was some Ke$ha or Lady Gaga. Something I can jump and pump my fist in the air. Everyone just grinded - even during the "slow" songs. I can not whatsoever dance like my other friends did to save my life. I just look awkward! But hey, what can I do? As long as I was with my friends. I was having the time of my life. The after party was great. So much fun! :D haha. Prom. My first experience was great. Although it wasn't what I imagined, I still had fun. Did you know that I had to go through the situation of "buying and returing" 3 times until I found the perfect dress! Crazy huh? I'm going to another prom in two more weeks. Let's see what this school has in store for me *.^ And the dress for this prom only took me two trips to another city to finally get the feel. Ladies you know what I mean. The feel that when you have this dress, you are the most beautiful girl in the room! I'll update you on the next prom!